Celebrating the Savage, Hilarious, Disgusting and Adorable World of Little Boys

Posts Tagged: Morris – 2 years old

Stan Lee would be so proud

Morris: “Does Wolverine have claws?”

Me: “Yes, he does! Big claws.”

Morris: “Does he scratch with them?”

Me: “Yep. That’s what he does.”

Morris: “Does he scratch his elbow?”

Me: “Um, sometimes, probably.”

Morris: “Does he scratch his back?”

Me: “If it’s itchy, I guess.”

Morris: “Does he sing?”

Me: “Wolverine, sing? Maybe.”

Morris: “What does he sing?”

Me: “I don’t know. What do you think Wolverine sings?”

Morris: “Spider Man! Spins a web any size, catches thieves just like flies, yeah!”

I thought he was going to say, “chicken”

Morris, holding up a rotini impaled on his fork: “This is a slug.”

Me: “Oh, really.”

He eats the noodle then stabs another one and holds it up. “This is a slug, too.”

Me: “Ooooh, that’s a green one. What do green slugs taste like?”

Milo: “Like poo.”

Morris smiles and pops the rotini in his mouth.

Me: “So? What did it taste like?”

Morris: “Strawberries!”

Somehow I think that would be the least of our problems

Morris: “Mommy, I’m glad Daddy’s not dead.”

Me: “Me too, honey.”

Rob: “Me too!”

Morris: “If Daddy died, he would be a zombie.”

Milo: “Yeah, and all he’d ever make for dinner would be brain soup. And we’d be all, ‘bleaaaah!’ whenever he tried to make us eat it.”

Morris: “Brain soup isn’t good for me! I like apple poop. Uh huh! Apple poop is very, VERY good for me.”

If it were that easy, weight loss wouldn’t be a billion dollar industry

Morris: “Mommy, can I have a snack?”

Me: “No, you already had a snack. You had that graham cracker.”

Morris: “I don’t want a graham cracker!”

Me: “But it’s already in your belly.”

Morris: “Then get it out!”

Me: “How?”

Morris: “First we screw my belly, then we hammer it, then we open it up and take it out.”

Me: “All right, then, you get the screwdriver and the hammer and we’ll get right on that.”

A spike dude by any other name…

Milo: “Hey, little Mor-baby, Mor-baby, Mor-baby.”

Morris: “No! Don’t call me that!”

Milo: “How about Mor-toddler, then?”

Morris: “No!”

Milo: “How about Mor-boy?”

Morris: “NO!”

Me: “How about Mor-ris?”

Morris: “NO!!!”

Me: “Well, if we can’t call you Morris, what should we call you?”

Milo: “How about Spike Dude?”

Morris: “Yeah!”
