Celebrating the Savage, Hilarious, Disgusting and Adorable World of Little Boys

Posts Tagged: Milo – 5 years old

Clearly not a future member of the Wayans brothers fan club

Milo: “Do you know what’s a bad name for a movie? ‘Scary Robot Movie.'”

Me: “I don’t know, I can see that doing well with a certain demographic. Morris, do you want to see ‘Scary Robot Movie?'”

Morris: “Yeah!”

Milo: “Nope. It’s bad.”

Me: “Why, because it’s too obvious?”

Milo: “Yeah.”

Me: “Do you even know what obvious means?”

Milo: “Nope… Does it mean ‘really lame?’ Cuz I know what THAT means.”

Honesty is the best policy

Milo: “You look happy.”

Me: “I am! I just had a meeting with some great new clients and I’m so excited to be helping them with their website because they give local artists more exposure for their work, and that’s what I want to be doing, too.”

Milo: “I’m with you, Mom! Even though it’s totally boring and I don’t really know what you’re talking about, I’m with you.”

… And in the Darkness bind us

Milo: “Mom, look at the script I wrote!”

Me, glancing down at the sheaf of ink-covered papers he’s given me. “Don’t you mean, ‘look at the script I stamped?’”

Milo: “No, I wrote it in secret code so the Devil Masters can’t read it! Only the all-powerful Power Masters can read it. And we can use its magic to RULE YOU ALL!

Somehow I think that would be the least of our problems

Morris: “Mommy, I’m glad Daddy’s not dead.”

Me: “Me too, honey.”

Rob: “Me too!”

Morris: “If Daddy died, he would be a zombie.”

Milo: “Yeah, and all he’d ever make for dinner would be brain soup. And we’d be all, ‘bleaaaah!’ whenever he tried to make us eat it.”

Morris: “Brain soup isn’t good for me! I like apple poop. Uh huh! Apple poop is very, VERY good for me.”
