Just another evening in little boy land
Morris: “Mom, you want to play with me?”
Me: “Okay.”
Morris: “Great! I have water power and you have fire power. Let’s go fight the ghost!”
Me: “There’s a ghost in the house?”
Morris: “It’s actually a ghost monster. First it’s a monster but then when we beat it, it turns into a ghost.”
Me: “Sounds dangerous.”
Morris: “Come on, Mom! I mean, Sister! Let’s go fight it!”
Me: “Okay!”
We walk into the kitchen.
Morris: “There it is! Can you see it, Sister?”
Me: “Yep. Looks nasty.”
Morris: “Let’s get it! Fire bombs! Pssshttttt!”
Me: “Fire bombs! Pew! Pew! Pew!”
Morris: “Oh. Wait. I have fire power, too. I have fire power AND water power.”
Me: “Okay.”
Morris: “Steam bombs! Pssshttttt!”
Me: “Fire bombs! Pew! Pew! Pew!”
Morris: “Look, Mom! I mean, Sister! He went downstairs! Let’s get him!”
Me: “Let’s do it!”
Morris: “Shhhh… He’s sleeping. Don’t make a sound.”
Me: “My lips are sealed.”
Morris: “Oops. We woke him up.”
Me: “Better get him then, before he gets us.”
Morris: “Fire bombs! Steam bombs! Water blaster!”
Me: “Lava hands!”
Morris: “Look, Mom. I mean, Sister. We got him!”
Me: “Yay! Good riddance, mean old ghost monster.”
Morris: “I just took a piece of him and ate him. And he tasted like cotton candy!”
Me: “Makes sense.”
Morris: “Oops! I ate him all. You can eat his ghost army.”
Me: “Mmm… delicious ghost army.”
Morris: “Uh oh… I just heard a giant! He’s in the kitchen! Come on. Mom! I mean, Sister!”
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