Celebrating the Savage, Hilarious, Disgusting and Adorable World of Little Boys

Heartbreakers in Training

Delaying the Inevitable

Morris, standing at the top of the stairs at 9:00 p.m.: “Mom! Dad! Moooooom!”
Rob: “Morris, what are you doing up?”
Morris: “I have to go pee.”
Rob: “Then go pee.”
Morris: “You can come up too if you want. You can come up. I SAID, you can come up if you want. I know it’s not playtime.”

Not quite sure the kisses would make up for it

Morris: “I’m strong.”

Me: “Yes, you are.”

Morris: “I can lift the house up.”

Me: “You can?”

Morris: “Yep… Mommy, can you help me?”

Me: “Help you what?”

Morris: “Lift the house up.”

Me: “I don’t know, sweetie. The house is pretty big.”

Morris: “And then it would fall and you would say, ow! It hurt! Then I would kiss you and you would feel all better. Okay?”
