Milo: “Snails can’t kill you, Morris. There’s no WAY a snail can kill you. Unless it’s a mutant snail. With arms. Holding a bazooka… and a flame thrower… and a pistol.”
“Go Turtle! Go zoom zoom zoom! Go Zombie, go Zombie! This guy has green blood and red blood and bluuuuuue blood! Now one last doggie. Woo woo! Whoa! Whoa! Which one should I throw first? I got this guy next and I got this guy next too. I should throw this one and this one and I’ll throw this guy first. Poo! Pooo! Poooo! And I cut all the zombies in pieces because that’s my trick. Now I jumpy jump! Ow! ow! ow! ow! Hi Dad! I’m throwing these down the stairs.”
Me, glancing down at the sheaf of ink-covered papers he’s given me. “Don’t you mean, ‘look at the script I stamped?’”
Milo: “No, I wrote it in secret code so the Devil Masters can’t read it! Only the all-powerful Power Masters can read it. And we can use its magic to RULE YOU ALL!